Thursday, January 5, 2012

Guitar Player

This is a picture of my brother playing guitar. I took this photo at this angle so it would be different then capturing a picture head on. It really shows the details about the guitar and how he is playing it.


This is a photo of madison. I was able to capture her white shirt in a black background which really makes Madison pop out of the picture.

Tractor Tire

This is a picture of a tractor tire. It was placed in an area with objects around the tire which makes this picture look interesting and rugged. I was able to capture just enough light in this photo.

Moving Water

In this photo i captured moving water. I took this at a certain angle so i could capture the water moving in the air, but also capture it hitting and splashing onto the ground. This causes a blurred motion.

Passing the football

This is a photo of my brother jumping up and catching the football. This was taken digitally, and it was for shutter speed. I took the photo at the right moment capturing him in the air which causes a blurry effect.

Watching the view

This is a picture of my mom sitting and watching the view. I took this picture at a certain angle so i could capture the sun coming in and reflecting off the ground creating a very interesting lighting. I think this photo is very unique and i like it a lot.


This is a picture of my house with the windows open. This was for the portals role. The lighting was perfect for this picture, and i like how the bushes half way cover the windows. It is almost mysterious looking.